Thursday, February 24, 2011


Things That Went Right Today:

1) My parents are visiting. So fun.
2) Got a new mac keyboard.
3) Blue and gold banquet tomorrow for cub scouts. My son is earning his Bear award.

From tugboats to ocean liners, ships all come equipped with anchors. They can be used to steady the boat if a storm is coming or secure it when close to shore so it doesn't float away in the night. Or if the captain or crew need a break from sailing and want to keep the boat in place until they are ready to steer again. It's an essential part of a ship's maintenance to check the anchors. The middle of an emergency is the wrong time to discover that the anchor has gotten rusty or is not in good working order.

It's important that we also have anchors in our lives. Things that we can look to for stability in troubled times. To remind us who we are, what we are worth and keep us steady at times when we need to rest from our labors.   My personal anchors are:





These are what I hold fast to when the storms come, and where I turn for comfort. They are the docks I continually come "home" to.  Yours may be different than mine, but it's important for us all to remember to maintain our own anchors whatever they may be. Strengthen our relationships with God through prayer and scripture study. Create and build happy memories with our loved ones. Remind ourselves of  our many blessings, so that hope prevails over fear in our hearts and minds at all times.  When the weather report calls for gale force winds, we need not worry we'll be tossed to and fro. We can feel secure knowing there is always a safe place to run for support when weary. I'm thankful today for the powerful anchors I have in my life and I hope that in small ways I can be an anchor for others as well.

Monday, February 21, 2011

A Few Of My Favorite Things

Things that Went Right Today:

1) Have had such a show of support for my new blog. Thank you friends.
2) My parents are coming for a visit tomorrow. Will be so great to see them.
3) Happy birthday to my nephew in California today.

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens...I have always loved that old song from "The Sound of Music". It makes me smile with gratitude every time I hear it as I remember the little things that make me happy in my life too:

1) The sound of the rain on the roof as I fall asleep.

2) Snuggling on the couch watching movies with my kids.

3) Oreos dipped in milk.

4) Reading a book by the fireplace.

5) My husband squeezing my hand and telling me he's my biggest fan.

6) Daisies in a jar on the kitchen table.

7) Amusement parks and roller coasters.

8)  Airports...taking me somewhere exciting or bringing loved ones home again.

9) Skype with my college son and weekly emails from my missionary son.

10) Belly laughs.

These are a few of MY favorite things. There are many more. What are you thankful for today?

Monday, February 14, 2011

What is Love?

Things That Went Right Today:

1) Beautiful roses from my husband on the living room table.
2) Temperature in the 50's today.
3) Cute bow in my puppy's hair after grooming. So adorable.

In honor of Valentine's Day I asked my children to each answer the question, "What is love?" This is what they shared with me:

20 year old son: "Love is knowing that no matter what you would be willing to sacrifice for another person. Another part of it is knowing that you make the other person happy, and you can always be yourself around them and they will still want to be with you because of who you are."

18 year old son: "I think that loving someone means that you are able to be selfless toward them. That you are able to forsake your own opinions, wishes and even dreams if necessary to make them happy. This can be love toward a friend, family member and especially a husband or wife. There are many more things that go into loving someone, but fundamentally if you are able to forget yourself for someone else's sake I think you can say you love them. And if you are not able to look outside yourself, I'm not sure you can say you love anyone but yourself. I learn this interpretation of love from my Savior, who gave himself that we might live. This act of humility and charity is an ultimate expression of love, and when we are able to make sacrifices for others, even if it is as simple as giving up our pride in judging another or finding it in ourselves to relate to someone when we do not agree with them, it is a reflection of Christ's love for us. When we decide we love someone romantically, we commit to more than an occasional expression of love, but to always remember the dreams, thoughts and feelings of that other person, and align those with our own thoughts, dreams and feelings so that we can be connected in purpose and always seeking to support, cherish and nurture the one we love. But whether it's just a casual acquaintance or someone we have dedicated ourselves to sharing our lives with, we must always love and we do that by overcoming ourselves with compassion and charity to another."

16 year old daughter: "Love is where the happiness of another person is essential to your own."

14 year old son: "Love is hard to describe. There are many types, like the incredible feeling when she's perfect even with her hair down. Also when you help your little brother out with his pinewood derby car. The guy holding the elevator. It's wonderful. It unifies everyone. There is a feeling of love for even people you have never met half way across the world. It's very hard to describe and surrounds us everyday."

12 year old daughter:  "When you are around the person you love, there's no need to shy away from your personality. Because when you love someone you feel safe, secure and happy."

9 year old son: "Love is family and joy."

6 year old son: "It means you like someone a lot. Sometimes it means you miss someone if they die. It means you take care of your child. I love my family and my Mom."  

4 year old son: "Love means that you like someone forever. Sometimes it means you should get married if you want to."

3 year old son: "Love is about Sponge Bob."

Today I am thankful for my children and all that they have taught me about love since the day I first became a mother!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Fake It Till You Feel It

Things That Went Right Today:

1) Toastmasters meeting again tonight. I'm the timer!
2) Master bathroom fully functioning (other than that I'm still looking for mirrors I like).
3) Have official students for my home preschool next fall! It's on!

An important life lesson I am learning lately is to "fake it till you feel it." What I mean by that is this...our emotions are often ruled by our behavior as much as by what is actually happening in our lives. Ever notice how two people can have the same experience and react to it entirely differently? As we go through our lives day by day, and even moment by moment, we must constantly choose how to respond to whatever comes our way. Not all of life's experiences are wonderful. Some are hum drum, or scary or even painful. But we have the ability to train ourselves to be happy people in spite of our circumstances.  How? By acting the way happy people act. Holding our bodies upright. Putting a smile on our lips. Skipping and twirling instead of dragging our feet.  Laughing out loud instead of grumbling. Changing what we DO and letting the emotions follow. They most often will.

Think that's wrong? Ridiculous you say? You have real problems right and pretending won't make them go away!!!  Life is indeed full of troubles. Happy people have them too.  But all the grouching in the world doesn't usually solve a thing, and so we may as well have joy in our lives anyway. We can.

Ever had a hard day when you felt pretty low and then something jarred you out of that? Suddenly noticing the warmth of the sun on your face or a joke you heard on the radio that made you giggle? Nothing really changed except your perception. I dare you to put me to the test on this next time you feel depressed. Even though it's the last thing you feel like doing at that moment...stand up. Do a little dance. Laugh out loud even though nothing seems funny. Plaster a silly grin on your face. Go for a walk and look at the flowers. Wave at everyone you see and wish them a good day. Shout out loud to the universe a list of things you are grateful for...even if you can't think of many there is always something...the ability to holler loudly if nothing else. :-) Deliberately ACT like you are happy and see if you don't actually feel better along the way. By changing what you choose to focus your attention on and the way you carry yourself, it alters your vision to where joyful things are in more prominent view than troublesome ones. Doesn't make the problems go away. But brings you a measure of peace and  contentment in the midst of them. Fake it at first if need be, and you will feel it by and by. Today I am sitting tall in my chair with a smile on my face feeling grateful for my many blessings. Let hardships swirl around me as they will. Today I am a happy person!

Monday, February 7, 2011


Things That Went Right Today:

1) Cabinets and shower door installed in the master bath! Should be done tomorrow!!!
2) Found the coolest scales at an antique shop for my office.
3) Got my mommy blog set up...will launch soon with my website. Stay tuned!

I'm not certain where the question came from. It may have been from an older sibling's teasing or something he saw on TV. Not sure. But my 4 year old came to me the other day seriously distressed. Not realizing how concerned he was initially, I was only half paying attention when he asked me if a person could die if they ran out of spit. I casually said something brilliant like, "yeah probably." He then proceeded to burst into panicky sobs.  Try as I might I could not console him for quite some time. He was crying so hard I really didn't even understand most of what he was saying at first, but it was clear he was truly upset. After a fair amount of mommy soothing he managed to convey that he was certain he was dying. I asked him why he thought so and he said, "Mom...I'm running out of spit. And you said I would die if I ran out of spit."  Suppressing a grin, I questioned him as to how he knew he was running out of spit. He opened his mouth to show me how dry it was and told me it had been that way all afternoon. Now was my chance to be a hero and let him know that I had a cure for this ailment. He wasn't dying, he was just really thirsty, so I poured him a glass of water and promised he would live to see another day.  He was thrilled to know that a simple glass of water was a quick and easy fix should he ever find himself short on spit again in the future.

We do eventually run out of spit if we don't drink enough water, and if it gets serious enough we really can die from that. However, unless we are in extreme circumstances stranded in the desert, we can almost always find water fairly easily to satisfy our thirst. So that would be a rather absurd way to go. But we are sometimes foolish creatures aren't we? Has your car ever run out of gas for instance? Even though the dashboard comes with an indicator and the car dings at you and lights up a warning sign when fuel is getting low. We still somehow convince ourselves that we can go just a little bit further without refueling.  Or we neglect basic maintenance and our indicator stops functioning properly. Eventually the car will run out of spit and die. Even though all it would have taken to keep it running smoothly was a trip to the corner station to add some gas. If we aren't careful we can be senseless enough to let our hearts and spirits run out of spit too. We have indicators and warning signs...depression, irritation, apathy, stress, exhaustion.  But we so often dismiss them and push onward thinking that we can continue endlessly without stopping to add more fuel. Until our core beings become increasingly parched and we begin to shut down and die inside.  What do we do then to quench that inner thirst? How do we refuel a heart that's running low? The answer will be different for everyone because we all find peace and satisfaction from different things. But some things are universal. We all need to have dreams we are striving for. Excitement on our horizons. Otherwise life can take on a monotonous tone. But the daily grind is easier to accept if there is something we look forward to coming soon. So it's really important to take the time to put a dream into motion now matter how small. Don't wait. Do it today so it's out there waiting for you, adding passion and joy to your life. We should also commit to learning something new every single day. Personal enrichment can be found in books,  by learning a new sport, or by talking to others about what they like to do. Reaching beyond our comfort zones and attempting to try something new. We all need a sense of connection to other people. Loneliness can be debilitating. Take the time to reach out to others. Join a club. Call a friend. Hug your daughter. Smile at a stranger. Other people are lonely too. Connection is mutually beneficial! We need to renew our sense of fun and play. Do something silly. Laugh out loud and the world is a brighter place. Listen to soothing music. Magnify your hidden talents. Stop and rest and watch a sunrise. Walk on the beach. Stargaze. Pray. Dance.

Feeling parched? Take a drink of water and you'll live on!! I'm thankful today for the many small things in life that bring me joy and fill up my personal well with water every day!

Friday, February 4, 2011


Things That Went Right Today:

1) Daughter sang well in the chorus concert last night
2) Found a great business networking group in my area
3) Catching up with a old friend on facebook that I've missed a lot over the years!

I overheard my son and daughter talking the other day and it went something like this:

son: I don't think you'll ever get married.
daughter: Yeah...well if you ever DO get married it'll be to somebody ugly.
son: No way...if I married her she would be pretty to me.
daughter: Yeah, but everyone else will think she's ugly.
son: Well...who cares? As long as I think she's beautiful than I'll be happy.

So much for harmony at home right? But even though it was not exactly a mother's dream to hear such a conversation going on, I did find it thought provoking. So I intervened at this point and we had a little discussion between us about what makes someone beautiful. My other children soon joined in the fun and there was a rousing debate on the subject. It seems like a fairly simple question when first asked...what is beauty? Is it the external appearance of a person that is pleasing to others? Or something in a person's spirit that shines through in their countenance? Is there a difference between just pretty and truly beautiful, and how can you tell? Is it youth and symmetry? Or can the wise glow of a grandmother be beautiful too? Is there a universally accepted standard of beauty? Or is it an individual perception? We finally concluded that the kind of person you are inside will determine how you perceive others, as will their core personalities that influence the way they present themselves. And that therefore beauty is not so much seen with your eyes, as felt with your heart. There is beauty that we sometimes miss because we are not looking carefully and beauty that can be revealed by love.  That's my opinion at least. Ask yourself the personal question...what does beauty mean to you? In others and in yourself as well. You might be surprised by what your answers turn out to be. Today I am thankful for the beauty that radiates from so many that I have the privilege to know. Attractive on the outside yes...but transformed into true beauties by their kind and gentle hearts.