Friday, October 2, 2009


Things that went right today:
1) got truck packed up for our move tomorrow
2) reached my next mini weight loss goal
3) Leaves are changing in the neighborhood

The teachers aide in my son's Kindergarten class told me I was pretty today. It came out of the blue and it has been a long time since I thought of myself as pretty at all so it took me by surprise. Ok I know she was just being polite and that she is so nice she probably says that to everyone. So I will not let it go to my head. Even still though, she made me feel really good today. She will likely not give our conversation another thought, but now I get to spend the whole day feeling...well...pretty. Amazing what a simple compliment can do for your self esteem. It got me wondering how often during the day I think kind thoughts about other people? "That color looks really great on her" or "What a polite kid he is" or "She is such a thoughtful person" or "He is an amazingly talented artist". I realized that quite often actually a compliment for someone has come to mind, but I haven't always taken the time to give voice to it. So unless they were mind readers they never knew. How sad is that? It really only takes a few seconds and a sentence or two to bring a smile to someone else's face, and to let them know you admire them. Don't we all need those pats on the back sometimes? Sure we do. So I am resolving today to be a more frequent "back patter". My mother always told me, "If you can't say something nice than don't say anything at all". This is excellent advice, and I think the reverse is also true. When we do think nice things about others we SHOULD speak up and say them. Out loud! I am thankful today for the teacher's aide who boosted my spirits this morning with her friendly words. And I am grateful for the reminder to spread a little more of that same brand of sunshine to others.

1 comment:

  1. Laura,
    You are a beautiful woman. You amaze me on all that you are able to accomplish with 9 kids. I don't think I would get half of what you get done with 2 kids. It just saddens me that you don't think you are pretty. You ARE!!!!
