Thursday, December 30, 2010


Things That Went right Today:

1) Got a lizard for my 9 year old son. This could be interesting. Crickets!!! hmmm
2) Fun time shopping with my daughter and sons
3) Making apple cake for dessert later. Yum!

It's almost a New year which means it's time for New Year's resolutions of course. But what exactly is a resolution? The dictionary offers a rather lengthy explanation, but I found a few points particularly interesting

 From The Webster's online dictionary (excerpts):Definition of RESOLUTION

 - the act or process of resolving - the act of analyzing a complex notion into simpler ones - the act of solving - the act of determining
 - something that is resolved resolution to mend my ways> - firmness of resolve

I had always thought of resolutions simply as goals for the new year. I suppose they are that at their base, but I think we can make them a richer experience by using the above definitions. It's important not only to set goals, but to understand WHY we are setting them. To solve a problem? Improve a skill? Help others? Until we understand and internalize the long term affects we are striving for, it is difficult to figure out where to start and how to arrive at the ultimate destinations. We need vibrant visions out ahead of us to generate the energy and excitement we need to follow through. "I want to lose ten pounds" is good...but "I want to lose ten pounds so I can fit into my sexy red dress for a Valentine's dance, improve my cholesterol count, and have more energy to play with my 4 year old son"...that's better. More complete. Focused on positive benefits rather than the difficulty of the weight loss process. Take it even further in your mind and really picture yourself dancing at the dance and getting down on the floor playing with the children. The more clear and vital that vision becomes, the more power it will have to change behavior and break through old patterns and habits. We might even set different goals altogether if we take the time to understand what is truly motivating our hearts and spirits currently. What we deeply want and need out of life. Who we most desire to become. It's also very important to make our resolutions realistic and attainable in baby steps. When goals are too long term or gigantic in scope, we are more likely to burn out in the first lap rather than finish the race. So it is wise to break broader outcomes into smaller achievable pieces that we can tackle one at a time. I love checking off the boxes and congratulating myself for many small successes along the way. It helps me keep pressing forward and feeling proud of how far I have come, as opposed to becoming discouraged by the work I still have ahead of me. Ponder the above ideas and how they could apply to your resolutions for the coming year. See if anything new makes sense when considered in a different context. I'm still working on my goals list. Trying to make it manageable. I have a tendency to want to charge in and do everything at once so I have to pace myself.
I'm grateful today for the lessons I have learned from the joys and trials of 2010, and for the hope and anticipation I feel for all the upcoming year could bring for my family. Each new year feels like a bit of a rebirth. An opportunity to start over, reflect on our strengths and blessings and determine where our lives could use some fine tuning. It's a beautiful gift this life we have been given to live.  I believe that we should never stop dreaming and reaching to make the next year even more fulfilling and wonderful than the last. 

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Story Book

Things that went Right Today:

1) Snow flakes falling on Christmas weekend! Beautiful
2) My new watch with Rhinestones from my girls. So glam
3) Bought some domain names. I feel so official.

My three year old son loves to tell stories. They all begin with "Once Upon A time" and are short and oh so sweet. He keeps us all laughing with his crazy tales, complete with priceless inflections and dramatizations. He's quite a little character. One of the favorite gifts I found waiting for me under the Christmas tree yesterday morning didn't cost a thing. It was a handmade book of stories...told by my darling little son and compiled and illustrated by his 12 year old sister as a surprise for me.
A few excerpts:

"Once Upon A Time there were three little Batmans and they still flying."

"Once Upon a Time there was three little chocolates and they went to a game."

"Once Upon a time an apple tree was flying to a bat. The End."

Now to most of you these stories may not sound like much. Certainly not the obvious manifestations of brilliance that I find them to be. But that's only because you did not see the face of the little boy who shared them with me. Countenance all lit up with excitement as he blurted out "Mommy, do you like my stories? I love you!" And you didn't see the pride on that innocent face when I told him they were the most wonderful stories I had ever read. And indeed they were. Because they were straight from his heart with no other purpose than to bring joy to someone else. What better gift could a mother ever receive than that?

I'm thankful today for the storybook that will help me relive these moments years from now when they otherwise would have faded from my memory. This really is the good stuff.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Things That went right today:

1) Got moved over to the new/old house
2) Daughters sweet 16 birthday party tonight
3) Missionary son having success

I am a big fan of HGTV. Candace Olsen is my favorite but I really like them all. I have been known on occasion to watch lengthy marathons of color splash and house hunters.  It's fun to take a peek into other people's homes. Get some ideas for decorating. See how creative the designers are, often on a shoestring budget. Most of the things they do I know I could never actually recreate in my own home, but its fun to dream. To see how completely a space can be transformed with some imagination and muscle grease. For the most part it is really a lot of fun.

There is one danger I have discovered though. If I am not careful I can begin to feel discontent. As I see the wonderful features of other people's homes, sometimes mine doesn't look as good by comparison. Things that I don't have begin to seem standard as I see them over and over. Higher ceilings sure are nice. And giant picture windows. New furniture with no pen marks on it. Gorgeous tile back splashes. Granite around the fireplace and on every counter surface. sigh. How come my house doesn't look like that? I begin to want to keep with the Joneses and feel like what I have is not good enough. So I have to be careful about watching too much. If those thoughts creep in I turn it off. Because the truth is I am extraordinarily blessed.

I've moved several times this past year into some kind of odd circumstances. A rental home that had an paltry assortment of furniture and a home that was quite small for the size of my family. We had 6 children sharing one bathroom. It was 'interesting". We just moved a few days ago back into our old home. We have only moved a few of our belongings so far, so we have very little furniture and a small collection of dishes and other amenities. No TV service yet. But yet I am at peace and it feels like home. Why? Because I have everything that matters right here. My family is healthy. We have plenty of food to eat. A roof over our heads. Clothes on our backs. That is more than so many others worldwide can say. We are very fortunate. I have learned over these past few years how little a person actually NEEDS to have a happy life. The basics and a lot of love. That is the secret to happiness. Granite countertops are a nice bonus but certainly not mandatory. So I still plan to watch HGTV. I am learning to keep my home cleaner and more organized and what a difference that makes to the environment here. I am learning how to arrange furniture to make spaces flow better. How to choose more modern colors of paint. How to make old things seem new again with very little money. How to make my home a more beautiful place for my family. And whenever we do have some extra money, I have lots of wonderful ideas for home improvement. But all in due time. My life is full and complete just as it is and I am so thankful to be home again.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Things That went Right Today:

1) Daughter finished the last of the year's homeschool finals
2) son graduating from high school on the 21st
3) missionary son arrived safely in New York City

In the process of trying to get our home sold we've ended up having to do some remodeling. We had a lot of dated ugly linoleum flooring that no one seemed to want...shocker!!! So this past week the house was all torn up as they removed the old stained flooring and put in pretty new tile in the kitchen and two bathrooms. It was messy, loud and inconvenient. Nothing was in it's place. Kitchen appliances were in the family room. A layer of dust was everywhere.  Keeping the little kids out of the workers' way was challenging. It was not too fun going through it. But wow what a difference now that they are done. It looks like a whole new house. We wish we had done it when we first moved in and feel it was well worth the trouble to have such a fantastic result. I hope it helps us get this house sold!

Life is a lot like remodeling. Sometimes we have tough times and challenges that tear through our world. Make us stressed. It gets messy and loud and inconvenient at times. And we don't love going through those experiences. But almost always once we get to the other side of them we can see some measure of benefit. The hard work of school leads to a diploma. Sweat and soreness lead to weight loss and fitness. Heartbreak and pain can make us stronger more compassionate people. Life will tear all of us up sometimes. There is no escaping it. It's just the nature of living. It is up to us how we respond. We can allow ourselves to stay broken or stuck in trials or we can bend and work through them.  Use them for our good. Like the bionic man our characters can be rebuilt stronger and faster than before.

I'm grateful for our beautiful new tile floors. And for the challenges of life and the new and improved person they help me to become.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Things that went right today:

1) Gorgeous sun shining today
2) Lab tests back on Jake's lymes!
3) getting new tile to replace the linoleum in the main floor bath

Our family really enjoyed the TV show LOST. Ok who am I kidding here? We were obsessed. Every Tuesday night we gathered around together to revel in the latest drama on the mysterious island. We laughed and cried last week when the saga came to an end with the series finale. So in tribute to all the fun we had, today I will ask this question...if you knew in advance you were going to be stranded on a deserted island for the rest of your days, what five things would you choose to take with you? At first glance it's kind of a flippant question. I mean that would never really happen right? But I think in pondering the answer you can reveal a lot to yourself about what you value most. When it comes right down to it, what things you are most grateful for. Here's what I would choose to take:

1) Family Photo Album: I would rather have my family with me of course, but would hate to doom them even in theory to life on the island forever. But they are my greatest joys. I would not want the memory of their faces to fade. Would open the pages and relive our good times together when I felt lonely. Their love would be my strength no matter where I was in the world or in what circumstance.
2) Hand Weights: Fitness is very important to me. I would not want to lose my physical strength, but also workouts make me feel confident and happy. Gotta love endorphins. And I'd want to be sure if ever rescued that I still looked hot right?
3) Scriptures: I know I could always turn to God in prayer in my darkest hours, but to have his word with me would fill up my soul. Keep me full of faith and hope.
4) Rubiks cube: Life would get really boring sometimes I'm sure, so I would need entertainment and activity to keep my mind sharp. Plus I know that being stranded for years with absolutely nothing else to do is the only way in this lifetime I would have a chance of solving the crazy thing.
5) Gigantic chocolate bar: No explanation needed here.

There are many things I would miss, but at the core what am I grateful for? Family, Fitness, Faith, Fun and yes...chocolate. If I could have those things with me in some measure, the island could still be a joyful place in spite of it's challenges. So what's on your list? And can someone please tell me what the heck we're supposed to do on Tuesday nights now?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Big hair

Things that went right today:

1) Lilies have all opened now on my kitchen bouquet
2) Swim team awards banquet tonight
3) Friend made me brownies yesterday

I was in a bit of a mood this morning. Possibly because of the mid life crisis I am having (yes I am finally copping to it). As I looked in the mirror I decided I missed the days of big hair. Seriously. Why did that look go out anyway? It was flattering to most faces and so very girly and feminine. Ok I know it took forever to style and required obscene amounts of hairspray, but at least your "do" stayed intact in a windstorm right? On an impulse I pulled out my old set of hot rollers. It took awhile to free it from the back of the cabinet where it had been buried for so long, but I prevailed and fired it up with a smile. I admit I was a little rusty putting in the rollers. I kept stabbing myself in the head with the holders and burned my ears a few times, but was undaunted in my quest to return to the look of my youth. After removing the rollers and brushing it out though things unfortunately did not go as well as I had hoped. The curls were bouncing all over the place and refused to be contained. I looked more like a circus clown than the sexy young thing I had been envisioning. Or a smidge like a 1970's Clairol commercial. The giggles overtook me as I tried to figure out how to salvage the situation before I had to go out in public. It wasn't easy. It involved lots and lots and lots of brushing it straighter, and ultimately a claw clip to pull it back and hide the damage. What had gone wrong anyway? I fixed my hair that way for years. Why didn't it work like it used to? Did the big hair thing just not work as well on a 41 year old woman? Or was I just out of practice and put the rollers in wrong? Had I just become so accustomed to smaller sleeker hair that my brain could no longer accept the massive bonnet effect I had going on? Not sure. Perhaps it is just a natural fact in the universe that you can never really go back, and those days have passed me by forever? Sigh. Maybe I will give it another try tomorrow. I swear I saw huge hair in a magazine the other day so it could be making a replay and I would love to stay ahead of the curve instead of a decade behind like usual. Today I am thankful for the memories of big hair and the younger version of me who proudly wore it. I am also thankful for the simple 5 minute prep style I sport currently. Because honestly who has time for big hair anymore anyway? I guess I am still going to keep practicing in secret though - just in case.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Bucket list

Things that went right today:

1) Schools are back open and on time!
2) Friend coming to visit this morning.
3) Sweethearts candies.

I have been pondering a lot lately on life and death. Maybe it's because we've had three family members hospitalized recently? Several friend's have suffered losses this year and I have grieved with them so perhaps that is the reason?  Could be that this is simply what a mid-life crisis feels like (gasp!)? Not sure, but in any case the reality of my own mortality has been on my mind as of late. Not in a depressing way. I'm not obsessing or anything. But more in an inspirational way. Recognizing the beauty and wonder of the life I have to live here. Realizing that I do not know when my end will come, and that there are so many amazing things to experience that I don't want to miss out on. I would hate to put them off until later only to find out that there is no later after all. I loved the movie "Last Holiday" where Queen Latifah's character thinks she is dying so she stops being conservative and does all of the adventurous things she had always dreamed of. What did she have to lose right? In the process she discovered what real living was truly about. Or the movie "The Bucket List" that had a similar theme, but with elderly men who decided it was never to late to get out and live life to the fullest. Isn't that what we were put here to do? As far as I am aware we only have one chance at life here on earth. It is up to us to decide how to direct our days. Which experiences are most valuable to us personally. What opportunities we will regret if we let them pass us by.  So I sat down today and wrote down on paper my own personal "Bucket List" (things I want to do before I kick the bucket).

1) Visit every continent
2) Visit every state including all of the Hawaiian islands
3) Learn to play the piano
4) Earn a black belt in karate
5) Run a marathon
6) Write a book
7) Earn my medallion
8) Take every child on a graduation trip
9) See all of my church temples
10) Read every word of the scriptures
11) Complete the family scrapbooks
12) Serve as a missionary
13) Place flowers on my grandparents graves in Canada
14) See a play on Broadway
15) Fit into a size 6 again

I fully expect this list to evolve over time. Some I will accomplish. Some I will decide were not that important to me after all. Some will be replaced by new goals I learn about. Others will be most meaningful in the attempt rather than the fulfillment.  I have had other dreams that are not listed, because I have already crossed them off. They made me who I am today. And I have a few other personal goals that are not in print here, but rather embedded in my heart. I am excited to tackle these next plans in this new phase of life I am entering now. There are many adventures contained above. Successes and laughter and hard work and loving service. Self discovery. It infuses me with energy just seeing the list in front of me. Life is so good and exciting and vibrant if we jump in with both feet and choose to really live. I am thankful today for my time here on this earth. I want to make as much of it as I can for as long as I am privileged to be here. This is my list. Everyone's will be different. Take a minute and write down your bucket list today. You'll be glad you did.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Things that went right today:

1) In the 40's today. The big thaw begins.
2) Daughter got her learner's permit.
3) Son's relay team earned a medal at the state high school swim meet.

This week the Winter Olympics are on. We've enjoyed gathering together as a family to witness incredible feats of skill and contests of will. I had the privilege as a teenager to attend a few Olympic events when the games were held in Los Angeles. I will never forget the thrill  and electric energy in the room when the USA won an event. The roar of the crowd was deafening and it was nearly impossible not to get caught up in the moment and feel proud to be an American.  Most of us do not personally know these athletes, but yet we feel a connection to them somehow. What is it about the games that so inspires us?

Perhaps it is the chance to live vicariously. Many of these sports are beyond our personal limits either physically, geographically, or financially. Most of us in truth lead rather ordinary lives. We have neither the time nor the inclination to go to the extreme lengths required to become the absolute top achievers in the events of our lives. The courage and sacrifice these athletes demonstrate to reach such levels is hard to understand really. What drives them to put off school or marriage? To deny themselves social lives. To spend so much money and often move away from parents and friends? To push their bodies to the limits. To suffer injuries and pain and demoralizing defeat sometimes. And then pick themselves up and go back for more. I'm not sure what motivates certain people to reach so high while the rest of us are content with average. But I am so glad they do. Because when I watch them beat the odds, overcome the obstacles, and make their dreams come true it brings me joy!  It gives me a little borrowed courage to maybe try something that feels impossible for me currently. If they can do it maybe I can too right? It reminds me of how powerful the human spirit can truly be. That when we have faith and match that with hard work amazing things can happen.  As the gold medal is placed around another woman's neck I dig in to find the will to take a baby step of my own. My future marathon may begin today with a tentative run around the block. As the tears roll down that young man's face when he receives the reward for all of his years of effort, I sense the importance of the little things I do each day that are building toward larger goals. And I discover the strength inside to press onward too. These athletes remind us that greatness really can be attained. They open a window to the best of ourselves and encourage us to let it shine. Even in their defeat they display grace and determination and good sportsmanship. Often these losses reveal to us their hearts and their characters and teach us the greatest lessons of all. It is not just about winning so much as about testing the boundaries of human potential and the love of the sport. Oh that we could all live each day with that much passion. I am thankful today for these amazing athletes and the gifts they give to the world. The gifts of example, national pride and the fun of the game.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Flying the coop

Things that went right today:

1) My son got accepted to the college he wanted to go to.
2) Got a ton of de-cluttering done...feels so good.
3) LOST is on tonight! We are obsessed with that show.

My son found out today that he got accepted to the University of his choice. He is so excited and his announcement had us all cheering and hugging. He will be living in a safe environment. Great school. The same school his father, myself and his older brother have attended. He will be near his grandparents, cousins and aunts and uncles and will have sunday dinners with them. It's all good and wonderful. So why is there a lump in my throat and a tug in my heart?

I suppose it is because it means he will be leaving soon. And not just down the street to a friend's house to play. Really leaving. To the other side of the country. It helps that I have lived there myself and can picture the places he will be. Some. It helps that we have discovered Skype so we will be able to see his face when we talk to him on Sunday evenings. But what about when I want to hug him? It helps that I know what a mature and responsible young man he is. I know he will be doing good things. I know that he will be exactly where he should be. I know he will learn so many important things and make wonderful lifelong friends. I know he will be safe. I know we will see him at Christmas break. I know he will be having a ton of fun. Most of all I know that he is ready. More than ready. He has always had a wisdom beyond his years and abilities that amaze me. He will tackle this new challenge with the same creativity and adaptability that he has exhibited all of his life. I know he will thrive. But is it selfish of me to admit that even though I know he is ready...maybe I am not? I am thinking of the little boy who used to curl my hair around his finger while I read him bedtime stories. And the curly brown hair that I let grow way too long because I could not bear to cut it. He was my sweet little shadow. Never let me get too far out of sight. And what about the hours and hours and hours spent watching (and volunteering at) diving, karate, soccer, basketball, and football games while he was younger? And then swimming, cross country and track in recent years. Will I ever time a swim meet again? I loved being a den mother and room mother. I love being his mother in every way. Does he know this? Does he really know?

I have been so proud watching him earn sports and art awards. His eagle scout award. Delighted at his good choices to be baptized, to serve his community, to have the courage to start a business on his own and the ingenuity to make it a success. I miss some things that drove me crazy at the time. Like the camping stoves that he discovered he could make out of tuna cans (and soup cans and well..pretty much anything) I was convinced he would burn the house down but he never did. And the way he climbed everything from the bookshelves to the door frames. He was our little monkey.

I watched him go through braces and glasses...and heartbreak caused by me when I made him move to a new home halfway through highschool. He was angry, but he forgave me anyway. And characteristically jumped in and made the best of a difficult situation. That's just the way he is.

Have I taught him everything he needs to know? Will he be lonely? Does he know that his mother believes in God with all of her heart? Have I imparted enough of that faith to him so he can feel comforted and guided out there on his own? Does he know that even from afar he will be in my prayers every single day and in my heart every minute? Does he know that I would give my life for him? He is a quiet soul. I don't always know what is on his mind like I do with some of my other children. I suddenly feel time is very short and I hope I have done and said all that I should have.

I am so very happy for him. I would not change this if I could. The time is right. He needs to spread his wings now and fly to the next phase of his life. It will be exciting to see it all unfold for him. It is just as it should be. Knowing he will not be at our Thanksgiving table feels wrong on one level but deep in my heart I know it is very very right. I love this boy and will love watching him grow into the man he is destined to be. Time to get ready Mommy. The chick is about the fly the coop. I am grateful today for the opportunity to be a mother. And for my son. Congratulations sweetie!!! You're gonna love it!!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Things that went right today:

1) Valentine's day. I am a sucker for holidays. Even the overly commercial ones.
2) Beautiful bouquet of flowers on the table from my sweetheart
3) Recovering more each day from my surgery. I feel half human again.

For Valentine's Day my husband sent me flowers and chocolate, just as he has for most of the 23 Valentine's Days we have known each other. And just as in all of those previous years they made me blissfully happy. It would seem that over time something like that would get old, but yet it never does. Chocolate is one of life's few constants I never fails to bring us joy! Seriously. Now don't get me wrong I am not addicted or anything. I just like it. Ok I like it a LOT, but I could stop if I ever wanted to. I could. But why would I want to? It comes in so many wonderful varieties and all of them make me smile. Just in this one box I have found caramel filled ones, orange and strawberry creams, and nut clusters for that added crunch. The toffee ones make me swoon and the butter creams are a bit like what I know heaven must be like. On a day when life is feeling rather drab and ordinary, a Toblerone bar can take me to Europe. They really know how to do chocolate over there don't they? While sitting through a movie what is better than munching on delectable chocolates? Junior mints are perfect for the funny ones. Rolos for the scary ones. Heath bars for the action films. And what suits a romance more than dove chocolates? M & M's are always good. Regular and peanut both. They are so versatile. As are Snickers, which in my humble opinion are the ultimate chocolate bars. Except perhaps for those new bite sized Ghirardelli chocolate squares. Having grown up near San Francisco those connect me to my roots right? So they are important. I have many fond memories of visiting Ghirardelli square and of the intoxicating smell of melted chocolate that filled the air. Ahhhh that was great! Oh and how could I not mention Reeses? I am not sure who ever thought to pair chocolate with peanut butter in the first place, but I feel deeply in their debt. Chocolate, in addition to deliciousness, seems to have the power to calm the troubled heart. On a "blue" day a bowl of ice cream can make the world seem a little brighter can't it? Come on now, you know it's true. And date night is even more fun when sharing a brownie sundae with hot fudge sauce. My mind is racing now as I think of all of the chocolate loves of my life...Butterfingers, Milky Way, Twix, chocolate oranges at christmas, and the ever popular Girl Scout thin mint cookies. What is it that makes those so darn good anyway? I could seriously eat a whole sleeve of those in one sitting (Not that I actually would of course...well ok maybe I have which is how I know I can? I'll never tell)

It has just now occurred to me that perhaps I AM addicted after all? Oh dear. I am mildly alarmed at this realization, but have to be honest and admit that I don't intend to reform too soon . Hot chocolate on a snowy day makes me feel all cozy and warm inside, and we are having record snowfall this year. So in a way it is medicinal right? I will see if I can change in the Spring. But not until after Easter. I need at least one more Cadbury egg in this lifetime. For today I am grateful for chocolate. And for my Valentine who gave me some. Thanks honey! Kisses to you (no not just the chocolate kind). Love you!

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Things that went right today:

1) A pet groomer that comes to my house. How awesome is that?
2) My nasty cold is almost gone
3) Painted my fingernails purple for fun

On Friday night as the pizza was arriving and shortly before we were due to take the family to the movies our plans took a sudden turn. We heard a door slam followed by screaming and ran upstairs to find blood. A lot of it. Coming from my five year old son's finger. We couldn't see it very well but could tell it was pretty bad so we wrapped it up in a towel and dashed to the urgent care nearby. As the doctor there unwrapped the towel her shocked expression told the tale. It was worse than we had initially realized. The bleeding had slowed by then so we could now see that the top segment of his index finger was actually about 50% severed. The room did a little spin for me as I absorbed what I was seeing. My poor oldest son who was there was also stunned. He wants to be a doctor someday and as such has seen a lot of surgeries and things, but this was hard even for him to see because it involved his little brother. The urgent care people assessed quickly that this was beyond their ability to treat at their facility. So we had to get back in the car and drive him over to the hospital 15 minutes away. This was one of the longest drives of my life. As much as the dr had tried to be reassuring it was evident she was not sure what was going to happen to his finger. That it was serious. And I had to stay focused and drive. My eldest had given our little patient a quick priesthood blessing in the urgent care parking lot which had done a lot to calm my nerves, but it still took all of the courage I could muster to smile back at my sweet guy and tell him not to worry. That Mommy was there and it was all going to be ok. He was so scared, but amazingly brave. Braver than I felt inside for sure. At the emergency room of the hospital the staff there got him right in and immediately called in a plastic surgeon to do the repair. While waiting for him to arrive an x ray revealed that the tip of his finger bone was also broken. All in all we were there for about 6 hours but at the end of those we came home very grateful. First for tender mercies and a competent surgeon. With such a severe cut we had feared the worst in terms of recovery. But by a miracle the break was above the growth plate and joint so should heal fine with no lasting damage and we are pretty sure the cut bypassed the nerves. So while it is still too soon to tell, he will more than likely regain full mobility and most of the feeling in his finger as well. He will need some hand therapy sessions for sure, but should make a full recovery with no more than a nasty scar that he can brag to his friends about at school. As frightening as it was, it could have been so much worse. It hurts to see your children hurting, but my heart is full of gratitude today that my little one will be alright.
I am also so thankful for the wonderful staff at the hospital. I cannot say enough to describe how good they were to us. They brought my son toys and made him laugh. They held my hand. They brought us food. They were so kind and warm and loving. There were not just medical professionals...they were true caregivers. If I had to spend 6 hours in a hospital that night I couldn't have asked for a nicer group of folks to spend it with. They made me feel calm and safe even in a scary situation. I will always love them for that gift.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Steak salad

Things that went right today:

1) Got my computer back!
2) My son's surgeon saved his broken finger
3) Got a yummy loaf of bread from a friend

I offered to take my son out to lunch a few months ago. Without thinking through the potential consequences I told him he could choose where we went. We were near our home at the neighborhood shopping center and of course he selected a place that was within his line of sight at the time (with teenage boys it is important for food to be close at waiting). He also chose the place with the most "guy" energy. Naturally. The sports bar on the corner. I had seen it before but had deliberately avoided it. Sports theme restaurants are not really my dining destination of choice typically. They are usually smokey and loud and seem more like a venue for a end of the year soccer party than a planned meal. Not to mention that you can generally assume that the menu is packed with artery clogging fare which is not on my current diet plan. Plus it was obvious from the outside that this one was definitely a bar second. But true to my promise off we went.
We got inside and it pretty much was what I had expected. Huge TV screens blasting too many different games at high volume to do justice to any of them. Smoke, lights, total sensory overload. But I figured it was a fun way to spend time with my son anyway so I was upbeat...especially since to my pleasant surprise I discovered a steak salad on the menu. Things were looking up. And then came the bread. All I can say is...well...heaven sent! Seriously. Light fluffy rolls with a hint of honey taste to them. Melt in the mouth goodness. So I ate three. There went the diet but I did not even care. They were worth it. Not long after arrived the best steak salad I have ever tasted. I cannot really define what makes it so wonderful. It's a pretty ordinary salad really, but something about it makes my mouth water just thinking of it. The steak was perfectly cooked and seasoned. I am not usually much of a steak person but I LOVED that salad. I scarfed every morsel and would have licked the plate if I thought I could have gotten away with it. No kidding. For the following week I thought of that salad ridiculously often until I couldn't stand it anymore and made my husband take me back. He raised his brows a little in amusement when I begged to go to the sports bar, but he sensed my desperation and has learned over time that it can be dangerous to get between me and a food craving. So off we went and guess what? He loved his kabobs too. Now over the past few months we have been back a half dozen times. We have become a bit obsessed actually. It is kind of getting embarrassing now so we may need to hold off for awhile, but every time I go I have the same thing....Steak salad and yummy rolls. And every time I leave stuffed and satisfied. Bliss!

So the moral of the story? I am thankful this day that I followed my son's lead. That I tried something out of my comfort zone. Had I followed my own instincts and habits I would have missed out on so much deliciousness. Sometimes it pays to try something new. Or give a second look before judging something's worth. There are treasures untold that can be ours if we are not too blind or afraid to discover them.